A new set of linens is used for every client. Linen/sheets are cleaned with Tide Hygienic Clean Laundry Detergent in Hot Water after each use. There is a fresh clean fleece padding for the face cradle for each set of linens. My table fleece padding that lays underneath the linens used for clients, and the blankets provided are washed on a weekly basis.
Clean linens for mobile use are pre assembled for easy unfolding on the table and placed in a clean Massage by Peak Tote bag. For Studio Services, linens are folded and placed away in an enclosed cupboard/ Drawer.
Once linens are dirty, they are place in a plastic bag or laundry hamper to be taken to get washed.
After each session, the Face cradle, Stool, Bolster and Lotion Bottles are disinfected with Seventh Generation disinfectant wipes.
**For in clinic services, all touched services are wiped down as well. I.E. Door handles and coat hanger.**