Ashley Peak

Certified MT, HHP
Certification ID #76789

Call or Text

(949) 412-9616

What if my Therapist is under the weather?

Just as I am trusting you to communicate with me, I will communicate with you if I am not feeling 100 percent. Sometimes things come up. Please keep in mind that if I cancel your appointment, It is only because I am trying to keep you safe.

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What is your Mask policy?

As restrictions have lifted with the state, I do not wear a mask nor do I ask my clients to wear a mask? I will however wear a mask if a client requests for me to wear one in their home. For In Clinic/Studio Services, If a client would feel more comfortable, I would for them to wear a…

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What Lotion is used?

I use a mix of Trader Joe’s Hydrating Hyaluronic Body Gel and Jojoba Oil. No scents are ever added to my primary lotion bottles. All scented/aromatherapies are done with a separate lotion bottle that clients get to keep at the end of their session.

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How are linens/sheets kept cleaned?

A new set of linens is used for every client. Linen/sheets are cleaned with Tide Hygienic Clean Laundry Detergent in Hot Water after each use. There is a fresh clean sheepskin padding for the face cradle for each set of linens. My table sheepskin padding that lays underneath the linens used for clients, and the blankets provided are washed…

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What happens if I am feeling under the weather?

Please Please Please let your therapist/service provider know the moment you feel under the weather. If you are 100% certain that you are sick, I ask that you cancel your appointment to not only protect your service provider, but to also be courteous to your service provider’s other clientele. Also, for your safety and health, sometimes, receiving a massage…

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How can I prepare for my In-Home Massage?

Make sure the path to enter your home is clear. It is most ideal for the set up to be at the entry level of your home, but please let the service provider know if there are stairs or if the set up will be on another level of your home. Have a space of approximately 6ft wide by…

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How much do I undress for my Massage?

This is completely up to you. Most newbies to massage can get nervous. It is a big decision to trust another person, who is a stranger to you, with your body. Please know that you are in professional hands. A Lotion/Oil combination is used during your massage. However, if there is an area you are not comfortable receiving skin…

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What if I want to do my massage session outside?

If you desire your session to be held outside, please make sure the area your service provider will be working in will be shaded. Your service provider, Ashley, has a history of Heat Stroke and has some sensitivity to intense heat. Working outside during high heat waves or peak heat times of day WILL NOT be an option in…

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What forms of Payment are accepted?

Cash is the primary method of payment clients like to pay. However, Checks made payable to: Massage by Peak or PayPal are other options. *Please use account: ashleyalexisp for PayPal Payment and select Friends and Family before you finalize your payment. * Credit cards are not Accepted with this business.

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